Happy New Year!! Welcome to the year 2013 and welcome to the updated blog. What do you all think of it? There are still a few more things that need to be done but the main changes I wanted to make are done.
Today is part two of my planned 2013 projects. There is also a part three which will posted on Friday. Part three is more about what I want to do to become better at my crafts. Like classes that I want to take, techniques that I want to learn or skills that I want to improve on.
July: Fighting Words, The wonderful
+Deena White gifted me this pattern last month. There is no way that I will be able to make them before this winter is over but I will definitely have them ready for next winter. This is the only project I do not have yarn for so on my Birthday Yarn shopping trip this is one pattern I will be shopping for. I thought some Spud & Chloe Fine yarn would be perfect for this project. Their yarn is always so vibrant and gorgeous.
Fighting Words* |
August: Dinner in the Eiffel Tower Shawl, this pattern has been in my radar for most of 2012. It is such a pretty shawl. The only reason why I have not made it is because I cannot decide on what color yarn I want to make it in. I have previously bought a red color yarn, also a dark blue and green. Each time I decided that it was not the right color and I would end up using the yarn for something else. I have finally decided that I want to make it in a light color, maybe I can fine two skeins of Madelinetosh DK in "Antique Lace"? Let us see how lucky I get this month.
Dinner in the Eiffel Tower Shawl*
September: Sir Knight Helmet and
Seedy Bow Band, These are the only Crochet projects I have planned for this year. I will be making 2 Knight Helmet's and 1 Seedy Bow Band. September is the start of my Christmas present crafting. The helmets will go to my nephew and my friends daughter, the bow will go to sister.
Sir Knit Helmet* |
Seedy Bow Band* |
October: Citron, The Christmas presents continue. This one will go to Step-Mom. I have a pretty light yellow lace yarn and a green lace yarn. I have not decided in which color I want to make it yet but I know either will be beautiful.
Citron* |
November: Sotherton, this is probably my favorite pattern from the 2012 Summer issue of Jane Austen Knits magazine. I bought this amazing blue Berroco Vintage DK yarn just for this project. Since November is NaKniSweMo month I will practice patience and make this sweater for the challenge.
Sotherton* |
December: Space Girl, for the month of December I will be making another sweater. Since I take a long vacation in the month of December a sweater is the perfect project to work on during my relaxation time.
Space Girl* |
Back up Projects: These are projects that I will have waiting in the wings just in case I finish a project early in the month or a project that I had planned is just not working out with the yarn I had planned for it. I am not posting photos for these, but they will be linked to the Ravelry project page.
If I stick to my plan by the end of 2013 I would have put a considerable dent to my yarn stash. As I stated in yesterday's
blog post I only get this month and November as yarn shopping months. Also, I can only shop one time each month. So for January it will be on my birthday and November it will be on Black Friday.
What projects will you be working on this year? Let me know if the comments below!
Until next time, Happy Knitting!
~Knitting Chica
*The photos on this post are not mine. They are all the project photos found on Ravelry for each of the patterns.
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